A few weeks ago, I was asked to submit a few ideas for a new logo to the Sharon Lutheran Church communications committee. The information they gave me was they wanted the cross to look exactly like their architectual wood cross on the outside of the building and they wanted the four different colors (representing the seasons) incorporated somehow. I would say 3-5 examples would suffice but once I start I guess I just cant stop, I submitted 9. I like to throw a couple of my own ideas in there to show clients I can think outside of the box as well, give them a different way to look at it - and who knows, they may see they like it better. Those two examples would be the bottom two, very young and contemporary feel - definitely geared to the younger christian followers. The committee has chosen to go with the top right logo with some font and color changes. I will repost the edited version once we get to the next phase of the very long 'logo' process.